Monday, February 23, 2009

Shallow Musings

Yes, due to phenomenal public demand (just the one person actually), I have decided to write a new blog post!
Now, what have I found out about myself since my last proper post? If I'm being honest, absolutely nothing, but let me think.

  • I think I need anger management classes or SOMETHING. I have an incredible ability to fly off the handle and be really really horrible. And then regret it half an hour later. See, I'm not all bad. Which moves onto my next point.
  • I am far too impulsive - this could get me into serious trouble. What if one day, I decide it might be a good idea to rob a bank, in the nude, brandishing an axe? I imagine others might find this marginally appealing...oh come on, you'd be curious, don't lie. My impulsivity extends to me saying or doing things I later think was just insane. Maybe I AM insane.
  • I need to stop being insane.

Oooh, who watched the Oscars? Not me...moving on...

Everyone MUST watch Benjamin Button, I know some people found it a drag, but I don't understand why...come on ladies, Brad Pitt at least should be enough to hold your attention. It is well worth the wait just to see him in all his stunning glory...there is one scene when he's wearing a white t-shirt, sun-glasses on, he just looked like heaven. In fact I had a Brad Pitt dream the night before, maybe that was why I got especially excited. Not in that way (really).