Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I done a blog.

I do neglect this ol' blog thingy-me-jig.

What's been happening in my world? Hmm.

I cannot wait to see Nick Griffin on Question Time, as it gives me somewhere to channel my anger. (I am often angry, and often for no discernible reason so it's nice to shout at a racist man on TV). I read The Daily Mail online most days to check what crap they're writing and especially to check out the reader comments. My heart sinks when I read so many green arrow-ed comments saying things like 'The BNP stands up for the 'indigenous population', they're preserving 'our heritage' blah blah. My instant reaction is to say 'FUCK OFF', but then I realise that's the kind of inarticulate thing a BNP supporter might say. I don't understand it, at all. We're all in the same boat on this planet, we're all going to end up dead, we might as well just get along with each other and stop listening to the crazy rants of a googly-eyed, scrotum-faced racist man. Sadly, not everyone agrees with me. I think we can all agree that he is googly-eyed though.

I'm off work sick, during what is arguably my busiest week in months. Why couldn't it have been next week!? So you can picture the scene; I'm lying on my sofa, pyjamas, surrounded by tissues and with a very sore nose. :( I'm accepting any sympathy coming my way. Although, in the grand scheme of things, a cold is the least of anyones worries.

I like this song at the moment.

This post summarises how my brain tends to no particular order. I have the sudden urge to shout out 'SOMEBODY GET A SPONGE' and with that I go back to blowing my nose. *blows*