Thursday, May 20, 2010


First of all, hello to the one person reading this. Congratulations, you're officially a complete saddo. Go get some friends. Secondly, I am having some Facebook-related difficulties. In that I think it's shit. Honestly, the amount of ignoramuses on there puts George 'Dubya' Bush and Forrest Gump to shame. (Yes, those 2 names are interchangeable).

Let us take the case of the England let it be known that I hate flags. I do not have any feelings for a piece of cloth with a drawing on it. I have no opinion. Do not care. So when people get all agitated about it, I think it's...hmm...what's the phrase. FUCKING RIDICULOUS? So, these groups appear about 'foreigners making us indigenous English people take off our England shirts because it offends them, fuck them right, they can go back to their country, this is my country etc etc...' Of course, as I am able to articulate and spell a lot better, that was probably not a very accurate example. Come OOOOONN. Do you REALLY think anyone gives a SHIT what fucking shirt you're wearing? Get your head out of your own (incredibly fat and lardy) arse for a moment and think about it. While you're at it, stop reading tabloid newspapers, they're killing your brain cell (I am presuming you just have one...?). All this overly patriotic bollocks, I dislike patriotism as well as a matter of fact. See Bill Hicks.. I agree wholeheartedly, and it's funny.

I think the point I'm trying to make is that I am still astounded about how many moronic individuals occupy this planet and am feeling very sad about it. You may not agree with my sentiments, quite frankly I do not care, I am absolutely fed up of uneducated people spouting garbage like this.

To end on a somewhat happier note, I am very happy generally, at present [:)] but this stuff really gets me down. *SIGH*

Here is a song I like, not a big fan of hers, but this is cool, good ol' William Orbit!

Chaz x

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Spring is in the air! The sun is out, the trees are going to start growing leaves and shit and already I see people trying to pretend it's Summer by wearing shorts in the hopes they'll get a tan. I still find the whole 'trying to get a tan' thing amusing.

Anyway, I don't really have anything to moan about; my new year of being positive is working so far. I usually become incredibly bogged down with stupid stuff, or with other people's issues or with something else I can't change. What's the point I ask?

Ah well...I have a good feeling that 2010 is going to be a good one and anyone who thinks otherwise can (kindly) f*ck off .:)

Saturday, February 13, 2010

I know this is old.

This video is still so great to watch. Ok Go -Here it Goes Again. A video with treadmills! Genius!