Monday, February 25, 2008

Not-so-paranoid android

Yes that's right I'm actually in a good mood, which makes it difficult to say something with biting cynicism. Damn me and my good moods, I'm sure the 2 people reading this will be horrified.

I have just come to the realisation that writing an online blog must be the product of some narcissistic urge within; I mean why on earth would one think your archetypal humanoid would want to read one's thoughts on life unless one thought they held some rather insightful information? The elite guiding the masses on matters of life.
Alright! My realisation might have been that I actually think this about myself, but it's still a valid point.

My other point is that Thom Yorke is amazing. Fact. I mean it's universal law. There is a song on his album called 'The Clock', and it's just the oddest song, but it's quite beautiful. Therein lies his genius (and the rest of Radiohead's genius); turning the odd into the beautiful. That's no mean feat, considering most odd people you meet are just odd.
Unfortunately I would describe myself as odd most of the time - I exist in a dichotomy of conflicting thoughts and emotions; one half is arrogant, thinks the average joe public is an idiot and generally has a misanthropic view of the world. And the other half...hmm...I'm actually not sure about that anymore!

Monday, February 18, 2008

The Muse

It's just dawned on me, that if I will be writing my 'musings' here, it would help if I had a 'muse'. I supppose that's difficult as there is almost nothing that inspires me generally. I have become very cynical about people as of late. Is it really the case that people are selfish, egocentric twits their whole lives? I hope not, there is a small part of me that still has faith in humankind, albeit a very small part.
Hmm, perhaps I should just give up and listen to Muse; great band, I recommend 'Origin of Symmetry'.
Now back to the matter at hand, must find a muse. Did Shakespeare have this much trouble?! Yes, I just compared myself to Shakespeare; because I'm worth it. Sounds like L'Oreals new advertising campaign.

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Oh joy, it's that overly commercialised, distinctly unromantic and (if you're single), depressing day of the year again.
To be honest, I have always been in two minds about Valentines Day; yes it's great if you have been harbouring a secret affection for someone, it's the perfect excuse to make your feelings known. On the other hand, do you really want to receive a stuffed toy, half a dozen roses, a cheap bottle of wine and a half hearted attempt at a romantic evening? Well, the latter sounds rather appealing at present actually, woe is me.

I actually signed up for this blogging malarky a while ago, but to be honest couldn't be arsed to write anything - yes I really am THAT dedicated - and it's been so long since I actually wrote 'creatively'. Not that one should expect anything creative while reading this; I suggest you leave now and pick up a Dostoyevsky novel for some deeper reading material if you are.

I suppose I should introduce myself to the World of Bloggers, so here are a few factoids about the Chaz.

1) I am far too cynical for someone so young.
2) I am a music and movie fan; actually I am a former musical elitist, I went through a phase of refusing to listen to anything that didn't have guitars or feature in the NME. I have since learnt that there are gems to be found in plenty of musical genres, and also that the NME is just a bit shit.
3) My favourite actor is Christian Bale; watching 'American Psycho' only reinforced this, when often the opposite is the case, for most sane people anyway.
4) I have recently become obsessed with the US version of 'The Office', especially Jim Halpert. I do find myself wishing that he worked in my office, then remember that it's just a TV show and he's not a real character, at which point I further embrace my future standings as a 40 year old spinster.
5) I think Facebook was better when students/alumni were the only groups of people who could sign up. It has now become over-run with the ignoramus masses, who need silly applications to keep themselves amused. Luckily, I didn't have to send 20 friends an invite to before publishing this post.
6) I am scared of Conservatives; no honestly, I break out in a cold sweat just thinking about Margaret Thatcher, although to be fair, I imagine she has had that effect on people her whole life.
7) I have become disillusioned with religion and am now an atheist, after spending practically my whole life in Catholic schools. There is a witty and ironic statement in there somewhere, if only I could find it. I also become perplexed when watching programmes about fanatics of any religion. They scare me in a way Freddie Krueger never could.
8) I like blueberrry muffins
9) I hate commuters. I do not care if you earn £250,000 a year, drive 3 Jaguars and a Range Rover at the weekends, are the Global Director of a multinational company and have 5 properties abroad, just get the f*ck out of my way. *Edit* If you had that much money, you probably wouldn't be using public transport. Just for the record, I do not commute, as I live rather centrally in the grand city of London. I also hate bus drivers who arrive when they feel like it; it is rush hour -there is no time for slacking.
10) I am notoriously fussy about two things in life- spelling and men. More on those in latter posts I presume.

So, that was my introductory post, if you're still reading, congratulations because I have actually fallen asleep reading it back. I wonder if someone could actually 'sleep-type', do they wake up in the morning and find that they have e-mailed their boss in their sleep telling them they think they have terrible BO and need to sort their bad teeth out. I mean it may be true, but that might not be any comfort to the poor sleep-typer. This has become gibberish, as most of my rants do, so I shall be cutting this short abruptly.